GC-TALE 2019 Volume 1

| August 2, 2020

Global Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning in Education
(GC-TALE 2019)
Singaraja – Bali | 5th – 7th August, 2019
Volume 1

  1. Ni Putu Sri Ratna Dewi, Ni Putu Ristiati, I Wayan Sukra Warpala & Iftitah Hanim
    Increasing Students’ Science Process Skill Using Cooperative Type GI (Group Investigation) and TGT (Team Game Tournament)
  2. Aditya Ridho Fatmawan, Luh Putu Artini
    A Text Analysis on Barrack Obama’s Speech at Wakefield High School 
  3. I Komang Sukendra
    The Effect of Learning with STEM Approach to Mathematical Reasoning Ability and Critical Thinking Students 
  4. Ni Luh Kade DuwinitiaNingsih1, I Nyoman Adi Jaya Putra
    Primary Teachers’ Coping Style Strategies in Handling Students’ Misbehaviors for Creating Positive Classroom Environment
  5. Arozi Setiawan, Gunarhadi, Tri Rejeki Andayani
    The Impact of Vocational-Based Learning on Career Decision Making Ability for Deaf Students in Schools 
  6. I Ketut Ngurah Ardiawan
    The Effect of Tri Kaya Parisudha Learning Model Based on Problem towards the Elementary Students’ Literacy Information Ability 
  7. Maria Olga Jelimun
    EFL Students’ View of E-Book Use in Improving Reading Comprehension
  8. Ni Ketut Apriliyani, Sinta Ary Gasella & Ni Wayan Wisri Utamiari
    Classroom Projects: Teaching Communicative Language In 21st Century Education 
  9. Singgih Prastawa, Muhammad Akhyar, Gunarhadi, Suharno
    The Impact of Creative Industry Based Learning on The Entrepreneurship Creativity in Vocational High School 
  10. Sinta Ary Gasella 1, Ni Ketut Apriliyani, Ni Wayan Wisri Utamiari
    Written Corrective Feedback in Teaching Writing: A Library Research

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