A Case Study of a Korean Learner

| December 31, 2003
A Case Study of a Korean Learner

Keywords: No Keyword

Ahn Sun-Hee
College of Humanity and Social Sciences,
Civil Aviation University of China,
Tianjin City, P.R. China

Bio Data
The author obtained her Masters degree in 2002 whilst living in Korea. She had been an educator in the U.S.A. for 11 years before coming to Asia. Currently she is working on her Ph.D. whilst living and teaching in Japan. In this article she considers a single learner of English. Much research analyses focuses on the class, the group or cross section of a learner group. This analyses highlights the application of teaching principles and theories to one learner, a young male Korean who first contacted his L2 whilst living in England before returning to Korea to continue his education.

This is a case study centering on a student I have taught. In this case certain factors need elicitation before the study per se, for these factors directly impact upon this case subject’s learning and learning environment and are Korean specific. In the expanse of EFL/TEFL literature, the greater majority of writings relate to the whole, not the self. This work attempts to isolate the principles for the ‘whole’ and apply them to the ‘self.’

The subject is a young Korean born boy, hereinafter referred to as Jay. He is 12 years old (Korean age 12 years old, western age 10). It is worth noting that a Korean baby is considered one year old at birth, and on the next January of his birth he is considered 2. Thus a Korean baby born December of one year becomes 2 in the next month. Jay is in the 5th grade of a Korean government elementary school, and is in the third year of his Korean curriculum English education. At the Korean age of 7 (5) Jay and his family spent almost one year in England, whilst his father partook in doctoral studies at a British University. Prior to this he had no contact with English.


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