Tag: Volume 20 Issue 11 2018
Volume 20 Issue 11 2018
1. Ratna Rintaningrum
Investigating Reasons Why Listening in English is Difficult: Voice from Foreign Language Learners
2. Ribahan
Students’ Perceptions of the Characteristics of Effective English Teachers at Mataram State Institute of Islamic Studies, Lombok
3. Salasiah A
Using Mind Visualizer as Digital Brainstorming in Teaching Writing: A Study at Muhammadiyah University of Parepare
4. Santri E. P. Djahimo
Applying Consciousness Raising Tasks in Teaching Grammar io EFL Students in Indonesia
5. Shalvin Singh
Using Self-Assessment Tasks in Foreign Language Classrooms
6. Siti Aisyah
Implementation of CLT and Its Minimum Results
7. Sri Utami
Developing Lifelong Learners by Implementing Group Investigation Technique at Higher Education
8. Suswati Hendriani
Grammar Teaching Method Preferred by Indonesian Students
9. Alfi Hidayatu Miqawati
Acquisition of Second Language Grammar through Extensive Reading with Incidental and Intentional Learning Instruction
10. Muhammad Ahkam Arifin
The Teaching Methodology and Assessment of Character Education in Indonesian English Curriculum: Teacher`s Perceptions
11. Sya’baningrum Prihhartini
Direct Focused Feedback: Do Learners Notice it? Is it Effective?
12. Syafrizal Tabi’i Rahman / Udi Samanhudi
Designing an EFL Speaking Class with a View to Critical Thinking Development
13. Syarah Aisha / Nazliza Ramadhani
Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement through Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite and Review Technique
14. Toyyibah / A.Effendi Kadarisman
Religion-Related Expressions in Research Report acknowledgements by Indonesian EFL Learners
15. Yulini Rinantanti / Lalu Suhirman
Mapping of the Competence of SHS Students in English Subject in Sarmi and Mamberamo Raya Regencies Papua, Indonesia
16. Dararat Khampusaen
The Common European Framework of Reference for English Language in Practice: Challenges for Thai Elementary School Teachers
17. Edi
Developing Intercultural Communicative Competence Model for English Students in Indonesia University Context
18. Elitaria Bestri Agustina Siregar
The Influence of Social Factors on Children’s Achievement of Acquiring Second Language
19. Khadijah Maming
Helping the EFL Learners in Reading Class: Learning by Interacting with Social Media-Related Topics through Pre-Question Way
20. Khairunnisa Hatta
The Effects of Dialogue Journal Writing (DJW) in Engaging and Empowering Writing Skill
21. Mega Wulandari, M.Hum
Students’ Attitudes on the Implementation of Storybird Web 2.0 Tool in Creating a Narrative Story
22. Siti Hajar Larekeng
Spices Learning Model in Maximizing the Students’ Writing Skill
23. Mardiana
The Effects of Cooperative Learning Techniques and Sociological Learning Styles on Academic Writing Ability
24. Djuwairiah Ahmad
Exploring Policymakers` and English Teachers` Perceptions and Interpretations in Makassar towards Curriculum 2013 (A Mixed-Design Study)
25. Ika Yanti Ziska
Students’ Need on English Language