RSSVolume 38

Writing Wordless Picture Books to Facilitate English Writing

Writing Wordless Picture Books to Facilitate English Writing

| August 1, 2009

This study attempted to examine the extent to which students in the Department of Applied English in one selected university learn to sustain their English writing by using wordless picture books, and the effectiveness of using wordless picture books in terms of students’ English language learning.

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Negotiating Identity from Auto-ethnography: Second Language Writers’ Perspectives

Negotiating Identity from Auto-ethnography: Second Language Writers’ Perspectives

| August 1, 2009

Recently, the concept of identity construction has been the focus of research in the field of composition and TESOL. Second language (L2) learners have to negotiate their identities in their social milieus. For this purpose, autoethnography is a valuable task for L2 learners as it allows them to explore their cultural background and identities.

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