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MAKE THEM BE AWARE, NOT BEWARE OF LEARNING: The Cognitive Therapy Technique (CTT) in adult EFL classes

MAKE THEM BE AWARE, NOT BEWARE OF LEARNING: The Cognitive Therapy Technique (CTT) in adult EFL classes

| March 30, 2004

By pointing out dimensions of adult learners and teaching, this article aims to discuss a way of strengthening the awareness on and through learning and self-esteem in adult language classes. The cognitive therapy technique emphasizes the importance and necessity of informing the learners…

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Teaching Trial and Analysis of English for Technical Communication

Teaching Trial and Analysis of English for Technical Communication

| March 30, 2004

English for technical communication (ETC) is a novel development of English for specific purpose on the demand of the society for improving students’ ability in communicating technical information. To assess the applicability of ETC teaching in China, a specially designed ETC course was delivered to five classes of postgraduates, and questionnaire and test analysis were carried out at end of the course.

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An evaluation approach towards feedback “betterment” in an initial teacher training in EFL

An evaluation approach towards feedback “betterment” in an initial teacher training in EFL

| March 30, 2004

This article provides an account of a small-scale evaluation study in the area of initial teacher training in ELT. While evaluation of this sort has a clear accountability function, this paper advances the view that it is the developmental potential of an evaluation study of this sort that renders it of real value to the teacher trainer or trainee.

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Metaphorical Systems and their Implications to Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Metaphorical Systems and their Implications to Teaching English as a Foreign Language

| March 30, 2004

This paper is about an investigation into metaphorical systems as an approach to teach polysemous words to foreign language learners. Metaphorical usage is prevalent in authentic texts and the foreign language learner when dealing with them is faced with words that carry several meanings.

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Can you get a first class education at a third tier college in China?

Can you get a first class education at a third tier college in China?

| March 30, 2004

Few students in Chinese 3rd tier colleges are currently receiving a first class education. Unfortunately this means that they do not develop their full potential and consequently do not contribute fully to China’s society. A paradigm shift in teaching methodologies is needed to ensure that students are taught effectively. More appropriate texts should be adopted.

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A Non-native Approach to ELT:Universal or Asian ?

A Non-native Approach to ELT:Universal or Asian ?

| March 30, 2004

In this paper I would like to focus on the Asian context of ELT. More specifically, I’d like to argue that some of the so-called “universal” aspects in ELT are not compatible with the Asian context, for linguistic but also cultural and historical reasons.

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The Traffic Cop Syndrome

The Traffic Cop Syndrome

| December 31, 2003

Over twenty years ago, Long (1983) suggested that the teacher made very little difference in the development of a student’s language ability. When comparing language learning as to the time spent on it in class, on a whole, it could reasonably be argued that the teacher could do very little in the way of improving a student’s ability in a relatively short amount of time.

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A Case Study of a Korean Learner

A Case Study of a Korean Learner

| December 31, 2003

This is a case study centering on a student I have taught. In this case certain factors need elicitation before the study per se, for these factors directly impact upon this case subject’s learning and learning environment and are Korean specific. In the expanse of EFL/TEFL literature, the greater majority of writings relate to the whole, not the self. This work attempts to isolate the principles for the ‘whole’ and apply them to the ‘self.’

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LEARNING VOCABULARY THROUGH GAMES: The Effectiveness of Learning Vocabulary Through Games

LEARNING VOCABULARY THROUGH GAMES: The Effectiveness of Learning Vocabulary Through Games

| December 31, 2003

Vietnamese students usually feel bored in vocabulary lessons because they have not changed their learning habits, such as writing words on paper, trying to learn by heart or learning passively through the teacher’s explanations.

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Should culture be an overt component of EFL instruction outside of English speaking countries? The Thai context

Should culture be an overt component of EFL instruction outside of English speaking countries? The Thai context

| December 31, 2003

Culture has become an increasingly important component of English language teaching in recent times. There are a number of reasons for this related to a view of language that incorporates a wider social and culture perspective, and to the increasingly multicultural use of English.

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