The Kinds of Forms Learners Attend to During Focus on Form Instruction: A Description of an Advanced ESL Writing Class

| September 30, 2005
The Kinds of Forms Learners Attend to During Focus on Form Instruction: A Description of an Advanced ESL Writing Class

Keywords: Focus on form instruction, grammar instruction, group work, English as a second language, English as a foreign language, vocabulary learning

Alex Poole
Western Kentucky University

Bio Data
Alex Poole is an Assistant Professor of English at Western Kentucky University where he teaches courses in second language acquisition, methods, and English grammar. He holds a PhD in TESOL/Linguistics from Oklahoma State University and has taught ESL to adolescents and adults in the United States and abroad. His interests include focus on form instruction, second language reading strategies, and Spanish-English bilingualism.

Participants were 19 international students studying in an advanced ESL writing class in a large United States university. The majority of forms they attended to were lexical in nature, of which most involved the meanings of words. A discussion of the efficacy of focus on form instruction concludes that focus on form instruction may not be valuable for L2 grammatical growth, yet offers opportunities for lexical growth, especially with advanced learners.

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Category: Main Editions, Volume 7 Issue 3