Publication dates
- March 14th
- June 14th
- September14th
- December 1st
The Asian EFL Journal examines issues within the Asian EFL linguistic scene, and considers how traditional educational Approaches are integrated with or contrasted against what is arguably a very specialized and relatively new field of study. This journal is now accessible to the global academic and teaching community, where articles relating to Asian EFL may be published and viewed by all EFL professionals. The primary function of the Asian EFL Journal is to provide a freely accessible alternative journal on a quarterly basis through the user friendly and highly accessible medium of the Internet that widens the target audience and authorship, particularly in the Asian-Pacific region.
The AEJ also provides new insights into key issues and subjects that are emerging and are of contemporary interest that may not gain space in a variety of hard copy and more established publications. Some of these publications, whilst of academic merit, do not support an injection of new and future oriented thinkers. Thus the new generations of high quality indigenous and native speaker authors now have a professional accessible medium to post and read insightful and ground-breaking articles. These articles, for the most part, may not find their way into costly journals that have the added problem of lacking accessibility for the highly mobile EFL professionals who may find subscriptions both inconvenient and even costly.
Consistent with the view of maintaining open doors, our policy is not to have only linguistic scholarly work, but to seek and allow other input of a multidisciplinary kind when possible so as to facilitate the necessary cross-discipline pollination that helps advance intellectual and professional advancement. Increasingly, the EFL field is becoming a more specialized one with interdisciplinary value, ranging from tourism, business, and language learning inter alia. And clearly, Asian EFL is becoming highly specialized as cross cultural and intercultural teaching perspectives come into prominence. Hitherto, Asian EFL had too great a tendency to see all EFL methodologies as having universal applications for the most part. The Asian EFL journal sets out to more critically examine current and new methods in pursuit of helping to revitalize Asian EFL education.
We look forward to your support, feedback and submissions.