Volume 15 Issue 1
The Role of Source Text Translation in a Simulated Summary Writing Test: What Do Test Takers Say?
This paper reports on a small-scale study which examined test takers’ perceptions of the role of source text translation in a simulated summary writing test. Three Chinese learners of English who were living in the United States took a test which required them to summarize a Chinese text, their first language, into English, their second language.
Choice and Its Influence on Intrinsic Motivation and Output In Task-Based Language Teaching
The first aim of this study is to examine whether the existence of choice of a task topic, compared to when there is no choice of topic, has a positive effect on participants’ interest (Task Interest) and self-efficacy (Task Self-efficacy) while conducting a descriptive type of task.
Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL): Asian Learners and Users going Beyond Traditional Frameworks
Traditional frameworks for understanding Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), whilst still useful, are today nevertheless somewhat limited for a variety of reasons, and in many respects, it is the practices of Asian learners and users that are driving forward the need for new thinking in this area.
Analysis of the Contributions of In-school Language Clubs in Taiwan
Scholars mentioned that in order for students’ growth to take place, students need to actively engage in their environment. In countries like Taiwan, the trend of using English as a medium of instruction has become an increasingly important element in higher education. Therefore, great importance is placed on finding effective ways in teaching English to EFL students.
Investigating EFL Learning Strategy Use, GEPT Performance, and Gender Difference among Non-English Major Sophomores at a Technological University
This study investigated the overall English learning strategy use, listening proficiency and gender difference among 238 EFL non-English major sophomores at a technological university. Language learning strategies were measured through Yang’s (1992) Chinese version of the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL). Listening proficiency was measured by using one unit of intermediate-level listening comprehension of the General English Proficiency Test (GEPT).
A Comparative Study of Intuitive-Imitative and Analytic-Linguistic Approaches to Teaching Pronunciation: Does Age Play a Role?
The indispensable place of pronunciation in the vast realm of communication has been recognized by many second/foreign language instructors recently. However, another question which remains substantial in the field concerns the way to improve learners’ pronunciation.
The Effect of Narrative Structure on Learner Use of English Tense and Aspect in an English as a Foreign Language Context
This paper investigates the influence of the discourse narrative structure on verbal morphology in L2 learners’ interlanguage temporality system. The aim was to retest the Discourse Hypothesis predictions regarding of the influence of discourse structure on verbal morphology use in oral narrative in an English as a Foreign Language context.
An Analysis of the Writing Needs of Omani EFL Students for the Development of Grade 11 English Program
This article reports a detailed description of the stages of a national large-scale needs analysis in the reform of the grade 11 English language curriculum in Oman. It highlighted the needs analysis practises by using triangulation of multiple sources (students, teachers, supervisors, heads of department, and textbooks) and multiple methods (questionnaires, interviews, content analysis) in the data collection stage to validate the study findings.