An Applied Phenomenological Interview Approach to the Exploration of Taiwanese EFL Teachers’ Perspectives on Language Labs
An Applied Phenomenological Interview Approach to the Exploration of Taiwanese EFL Teachers’ Perspectives on Language Labs
Keywords: EFL, Language Labs, Learning Ecologies, Speaking, Listening, Phenomenology
Barry Lee Reynolds
National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
Barry Lee Reynolds received his Ph.D. in Learning & Instruction and MA in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). He has taught university level ESL and EFL courses in the USA and Taiwan for over 12 years. Currently he teaches courses primarily in research methods in applied linguistics and TESOL for the Department of English at National Taipei University of Technology. His current research interests include incidental vocabulary acquisition, computer assisted language learning, and second language writing instruction.
This paper details a four month long phenomenological investigation of teachers’ perceptions of two language labs at a national research university’s language center in northern Taiwan. A focus group was formed to investigate the current language lab teaching and learning ecology to determine what direction should be taken in the refurbishment of these labs. The qualitative data generated from the interviews of nine teachers was analyzed and compared to the focus group interactions to determine the preferences of language lab teachers. The data suggested that Taiwanese EFL teachers are seeking teacher-centered technologies that are not activity specific but can be tailored to individual teaching practices in as simplistic of a way as possible. Pedagogical suggestions for EFL language labs are discussed.
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