The Key for Successful Reader-writer Interaction: Factors Affecting Reading Comprehension in L2 Revisited

| September 28, 2007
The Key for Successful Reader-writer Interaction: Factors Affecting Reading Comprehension in L2 Revisited

Keywords: reading comprehension, reader-writer interaction, L2 reading, TEFL/EFL/ESL

Karim Sadeghi
Urmia University, Iran

Bio Data
Karim Sadeghi has a PhD in TEFL/TESOL (Language Testing) from the University of East Anglia in Norwich, UK. Since his return to Iran in September 2003, he has been lecturing and researching in Urmia University, Iran. His main research interests include: language testing, alternative assessment, reading comprehension and error analysis.

Reading comprehension is a very complex process and in order to grasp how readers make sense of written symbols, it is essential that the process of reading comprehension and the role of factors leading to the product of this process be understood properly. There is no shortage of studies on reading comprehension aiming to clarify its nature and attempting to illustrate how the task of comprehension is accomplished. However, there seems to be no systematic framework incorporating the vast array of factors involved in affecting the communication between the reader and the writer. The present paper is an attempt to provide a more comprehensive and clearer framework for better appreciating the interplay of variables playing a part in the success of written communication with a particular focus on EFL contexts.

See pages 198-220

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Category: Main Editions, Volume 9 Issue 3