Initiation of World Englishes into EFL Writing Classrooms in Japanese Secondary School

| February 24, 2012
Initiation of World Englishes into EFL Writing Classrooms in Japanese Secondary School

Keywords: Foreign language writing, EFL writing, Japanese English education, World Englishes, secondary school, critical pedagogy

Yutaka Fujieda
Maebashi Kyoai Gakuen College, Gunma, Japan

Bio Data
Yutaka Fujieda is an associate professor at Maebashi Kyoai Gakuen College, Gunma Japan and is also a Ph.D. candidate in the Composition & TESOL program at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A. His research interests include academic literacy socialization, literacy autobiography, and teaching writing in EFL settings.

This paper focuses primarily on the potential for the teaching of writing which incorporates the concept of varieties of English into writing classes in Japanese secondary school. The purpose of this paper is to identify the issue of teaching writing in Japanese junior and senior high school and to discuss the possibility of initiating the concept of World Englishes (WEs) in this context. The current situation of writing instruction in Japanese secondary school contradict the communicative language teaching that the government has proposed. Ideally, the teaching of writing at the secondary level should accommodate the approaches based on WEs that go beyond over-emphasizing on grammatical accuracy. As there has been little attention to research on writing in foreign language (FL), applying WEs into writing instruction provides a deeper insight into FL writing research. Moreover, further inquiries of EFL/FL writing grounded in teacher education viewpoints (teacher identity construction and pre-service teacher preparation programs) need to be explored. This paper argues that EFL/FL writing research is necessary among scholars to raise awareness of the issues in second language writing scholarship.

Category: Monthly Editions, Volume 58