Learning to Use the Articles, A and The, in One Lesson

| April 2, 2008
Learning to Use the Articles, A and The, in One Lesson

Keywords: articles, consciousness-raising, lesson plan, pre and post-testing, grammar

Nicholas K. Farrow
Lunghwa University of Science and Technology, Taiwan

Bio Data
Nic Farrow (Nicholas K. Farrow) has an MS in TESOL from Anaheim University (2003). He is teaching English composition, reading and comparative cultures at Soka Women s College and University in Japan. His current research focus is on applying the consciousness-raising approach to a range of grammatical forms which appear to be obstacles in students’ acquisition of the language, and to evaluate its effectiveness in the learning process.

To deal effectively with an area of language which some consider unteachable, this report proposes a single lesson based on consciousness-raising to teach some general principles which govern the use of the articles. The lesson content and rationale are explained fully, followed by a discussion of preliminary investigations into its effectiveness with Japanese university students, using dairy observations, a cloze test and an oral production test. The initial results are very promising.

See pages: 26-50

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Category: Monthly Editions, Volume 27