The Impact of Phonetic Instruction on Iranian Students’ Listening Ability Enhancement

| May 21, 2011
The Impact of Phonetic Instruction on Iranian Students Listening Ability Enhancement

Keywords: Phonetic instruction, phonemic transcription, pronunciation, listening

Mohammad Reza Ghorbani
Bojnord University, Ira

Bio Data
Dr. Mohammad Reza Ghorbani has worked as an EFL teacher and researcher in Iran, Japan, and Malaysia since 1990. He has published two books on educational issues and eight articles in specialized international journals. He has also presented six papers in international conferences. His interests are English Teaching, Learning, Testing, and Evaluation.

The purpose of this study was to see if phonetic instruction followed by the learners checking of their pronunciation by the use of phonemic transcription would enhance Iranian students listening ability. Since random assignment was not possible, the nonequivalent group, pretest-posttest design was employed to study two classes of third grade high school students as control and experimental groups. Both groups were exposed to the same listening activities; however, only the experimental group received the treatment regarding the phonetic symbols and phonemic transcription. A 30-item listening test was developed by the researcher based on the BBC listening materials to measure students listening ability. The reliability of the test was estimated 0.69 through KR-21 formula. The results of the independent samples t-test analysis from the posttest administration indicated that the experimental group who received phonetic instruction had a better performance than the control group who did not receive it. Thus, the findings suggest that phonetic instruction and learners phonemic transcription can facilitate the process of listening enhancement.

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Category: Monthly Editions, Volume 52