Challenging beliefs in teacher development: potential influences of Theravada Buddhism upon Thais learning English
Challenging beliefs in teacher development: potential influences of Theravada Buddhism upon Thais learning English
Keywords: No Keyword
John Adamson, Ed.D.
This study has investigated the potential influences of Theravada Buddhism as practised in Thailand on the learning behaviour of Thai students studying English. It is a study which puts forward a proposal for teacher development and, as a model, needs to be challenged by those involved in the teacher development process. The tabulated developmental tools visually show the tentative inter-connections between religion, social behaviour and classroom behaviour, yet intentionally do not define the degree, or intensity, of the relevance between those factors investigated. Such a means towards teacher development has been proposed in order to provoke discussion and challenge beliefs, essential elements in raising teacher awareness about the context in which they teach.
Category: Main Editions