Teaching English in Japan to Chinese Students

| September 30, 2003
Teaching English in Japan to Chinese Students

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John Nevara
Akashi College of Technology

Bio Data
Mr. Nevara has taught EFL in Japan since 1990. Presently he is a full-time lecturer at Akashi College of Technology (National). He also has experience teaching the Japanese Language and Political Science. He received his MA, at the University of Hawaii.

The Changing Classroom: A More International Feel

Go to any EFL classroom in the United States or England, and it is clear that people from all over the world are studying English. All these students, however, come from various backgrounds, have different mother tongues, and can be generally said to have different struggles in acquiring English. For many years, the mixing of non-native speakers from various parts of the world into one EFL classroom occurred only in English-speaking nations, or in a few isolated cases within non-English speaking nations. The trend in Japan in recent years, however, has been towards a more mixed EFL classroom. This trend has both plusses and minuses, but it has become important for many teachers, at least at the university level, to realize that they can no longer teach to one population.


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