Volume 23 Issue 3.4 2019

| May 28, 2019

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Research Articles

  1. Ramon Medriano, Jr. and Presley V. De Vera
    Dominance Construction in Monologic Political Discourse Based on Selected
    Public Speeches of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte
  2. Tusyanah Tusyanah, Risma Nur Anissa, Norma Chayatina, Wijang Sakitri and Sri Utami
    Utilizing Local Guide to Improve EFL Students’ English Writing Skill:
    An Outdoor Learning Process Strategy
  3. Adip Arifin
    How Good Indonesian EFL Students Realize Subject-Verb Agreement in Joint Construction
  4. Allan Tarubal Tabuyo
    An Alternative to English: Filipino as Medium of Instruction in Teaching Geometry
  5. Ahmad Ardillah Rahman, Muhammad Ahkam Arifin and Al-furqan
    Adopting Learning Management System in Indonesian Higher Education: The Encountering
    Challenges to the Transformation
  6. Maribel Fontiveros-Malana
    Language Background and English Proficiency Levels of the Ibanag, Ilocano, and Itawes
  7. Ali G. Anudin
    A Discourse Analysis on Economic Plenary Debates over the General Appropriations Bill
    in the Philippines
  8. Helen T. Asio
    Characteristics of Male and Female Spoken Interaction
  9. Luis Luigi Eugenio A. Valencia
    Correlates of Grade 11 ESL Students’ Reading Ability
  10. Kasnadi, Sutejo and Adip Arifin
    Integrating Humanitarian Values in Teaching Translation of Indonesian Aphorisms into English
  11. Gay Maribel Lynda M. Mina
    Pedagogical Practices on Preschool Learners’ Language Skills Development
  12. Fauzy Rahman Kosasih
    Language Learning Strategies of EFL Students of Open and Distance Higher Education
    in Indonesian Context
  13. Catherine P. Alipio
    The Impact of Socio-Demographic Profile and English Performance of Grade 7 Students to Mathematics Performance
  14. Yunda Lestari
    Academic Debate Used on Students’ Speaking Achievement for EFL Learners
  15. Rosanna D. Gonzales, Rodelio S. Garin and Adonis S. Bautista
    Research-Related Issues and Problems Among Male and Female Postgraduate Students
  16. Apolo S. Francisco
    READ AND SPELL: The Communicative Competence of English Language Teachers
    and the Teaching of English as a Second Language
  17. Christine Burns, Dr. Svetlana Chigaeva-Heddad and Maggie Leung
    “Otherwise, good luck…”: Patterns of use associated with good in teacher feedback
  18. Al Furqan and Ahmad Ardillah Rahman
    The Analysis of Native and Non-native EFL Teachers in Indonesia: A review of literature
  19. Jomel B. Manuel
    Sentence Errors Committed in the Paragraph Writing among Senior High School Students
  20. Abdulaziz Alfehaid
    Teaching ESP and General English: Similarities and Differences between Native- and
    Non-native- English-Speaking Teachers in a Saudi Tertiary Context
  21. Septhia Irnanda
    Phonological Awareness and Word Reading Skills of Indonesian-Acehnese Bilinguals
    Learning L3 English
  22. Muhammad Ahkam Arifin, Erwin Hafid and Sitti Nurpahmi
    The PPP model to teaching grammar: Evidence from Indonesian contexts of the
    effectiveness of explicit teaching instructions
  23. Robin V. Guillermo
    Attitudes of Senior Education Students Towards the English Language
  24. Risman Wanci and Nirwana Darwis
    Analyzing In-Service and Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions on Peer Reflection at IAIN Bone
  25. Uswatun Hasanah and Mufidatunnisa
    Students’ Perception on the Implementation of Islamic Science Integration in English Teaching Materials


Category: 2019 Main Journal